ROSE TATTOO Frontman Going Into Politics

October 1, 2011

According to, ROSE TATTOO frontman Angry Anderson has joined The Nationals (National Party of Australia) with the intention of running for a seat at the next federal election.

The National Party of Australia, formerly the Country Party, is a conservative party representing rural interests.

"If between the party and I, we can agree, I feel I can best serve the Australian people on the national stage," the 63-year-old rock singer told The Sunday Telegraph.

The singer said being drawn into politics was a natural extension of his community service work.

"You can reach a stage like I have where you've done as much as you can in your profession in my case music and a political career becomes an extension of the community work I'm doing," he said.

Anderson said he was not committed to running for a specific seat and wasn't afraid to tackle a safe Labor seat.

"I'll have those discussions with the party," he said. "If they think I'm the best qualified person to run for a seat, any seat, I'll run. If not, I'm a team player: you have to be in a band. I'll be a foot soldier instead."

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